CISC 32nd Annual Conference 28 – 29 April 2022 (new dates)
We are thrilled to announce that our 32nd Annual CISC Conference will be held at Hanbury Manor Golf & Country Club, Ware, SG12 0SD, on 28 – 29 April 2022. The new dates have been confirmed following the postponement of the event in February 2022. It is a wonderful hotel in such beautiful surroundings and I hope will afford the customary balance of challenge, discernment and friendship and we are very excited to say that we will be led in this by the renowned Catholic writer Austen Ivereigh.
The theme of the conference is:
‘Who Am I to Judge?……What Are We to Do?’
‘“…..but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!”
Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.’ (Jn.8:7-8)
The rest of the programme is firming up with workshops so far from headline sponsors Stone King and Moore Kingston Smith, CAFOD and one with a music focus entitled ‘Can you Get Them to Sing Louder?’ Thanks to Matthew Mostyn, Steven Cartwright and colleagues at St Edmunds, Ware for their support in facilitating the Conference conversation. Further programme details can be found here 32nd Annual CISC Conference
Bookings are available online through our new partner TryBooking via the link below. We hope that their expertise in event bookings will ensure a smooth experience for you. Preferred payment is online card payment. For those without this facility or who may require an invoice, please contact us for instructions on how to process this online in advance of making your booking.
As always, we are on hand to assist you in this process should you need it so please do get in touch via email to info@catholicindependentschools.com if you have any questions.
Sponsors and exhibitors interested in joining us at this event can find further information here: CISC EXHIBITOR AND PARTNER INFORMATION
CISC Event Cancellation Policy