CISC Study Day for Chaplains
- Date: Thu 4 May 2017
- Venue: Farnborough Hill School
- Time: 10.00 am – 4.00 pm
- Cost: £90.00 (including lunch)
Confirmed Speakers/Sessions
- Sarah Young (Stonyhurst) on a framework for understanding and evaluating chaplaincy in Catholic schools
- Maria Neal (Barlborough Hall) on the pedagogy and impact of Godly Play
- Consuelo Verdugo (Downside) on the Manquehue community in Chile and the transforming effects of Lectio Divina in school
There will also be a discussion session on the challenges of chaplaincy in schools where the majority of pupils are not from a Catholic background. The day will finish with Lectio Divina.
The intention is to establish a CISC network of chaplains which meets more regularly for mutual support and the sharing of resources and best practice. Please come along if you can.
Payment Arrangements
Please email this booking form with your details below to raymondfriel@cisc.uk.net and pay by BACS to the CISC HSBC account:
- Sort code 40 18 17
- Account Number 64019113
- transfer to be labelled “G500 CISC Chaplains”
or, if this is not possible, post this form with a cheque payable to Catholic Independent Schools’ Conference, to 17 Rossiters Hill, Frome, Somerset, BA11 4AL at your earliest convenience but not later than Thu 27 April.