CISC Study Day for Librarians & Academic Staff
Teenage brains and lives – why stress management matters for performance and strategies to promote it; including the role of readaxation – the evidence for how reading for relaxation benefits learning, performance, wellbeing and stress relief.
Nicola Morgan is a leading writer and speaker on both the teenage brain and adolescent stresses, with enormous experience of sharing her expertise with young people, parents and professionals. Nicola Morgan firmly believes that understanding is empowering, reducing stress and improving health and wellbeing. And her understanding is rooted in strong up-to-date science.
For details of Nicola Morgan’s work in this area, visit her website –
Morning Session
Teenage brains and stress: problems. Why stress affects performance; a slot on the issues surrounding introverts. Teenage brains and stress: strategies, including how to teach young people to manage their own stress, for life.
Afternoon Session
Readaxation: what reading does to our brain/self and how reading for pleasure impacts wellbeing; including differences between reading fiction/non-fiction, simple/complex and digital/print. With strategies for promoting this in school . Q&A/discussion.
Delegates will receive handouts (some on paper and some for downloading) including activities for use in school. Nicola is currently working on a set of classroom resources for schools to teach stress management and she will provide selected free extracts from these for delegates. There will also be a discount code for Nicola’s brain sticks.
Feedback from a course last year with Nicola Morgan
‘This is genuinely the very best CPD I have ever attended – absolutely focused on the issues we are dealing with in school right now and perfect for sharing with colleagues, pupils and parents.’
‘Providing the science behind teenage behaviour allows for a measured and rational approach to difficult issues when counselling pupils.’
Payment Arrangements
Please email this booking form with your details below to and pay by BACS to the CISC HSBC account:
- Sort code 40 18 17
- Account Number 64019113
- transfer to be labelled “CISC Librarian and Academic Staff Study Day””
or, if this is not possible, post this form with a cheque payable to Catholic Independent Schools’ Conference, to 17 Rossiters Hill, Frome, Somerset, BA11 4AL at your earliest convenience but not later than 22 March 2017