Stone King – Immigration Training: Students in Independent Schools
With the Brexit transition period over, join Head of Immigration Julie Moktadir for a training session on the recent changes to immigration law in light of Brexit, the new points-based immigration system and what these changes mean for student sponsors in the Independent School Sector.
The training will cover an up-to-date overview of right to study checks, including for European nationals now that the UK has left the EU. Consideration will also be given to the movement of EU nationals, particularly now that EU nationals arriving in the UK will require a visa and possibly sponsorship to study. Both Student and Child Student sponsorship will be covered as well as the continued compliance requirement. Additional consideration will be given to the new flexibility within the rules for switching between immigration routes.
With an opportunity to ask questions throughout, this promises to be an engaging session. If you would like to submit your questions beforehand please include on your registration form or contact events@stoneking.co.uk.
Further information and booking details : https://www.stoneking.co.uk/event/immigration-training-students-independent-schools-26022021?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=cisc&utm_campaign=education