General Secretary Announcement
A message from the Chair of CISC, Antonia Beary.
Dear colleagues,
I hope that this finds you refreshed after a restful holiday and raring to go… and for those in Senior schools, that exam results are all that you hoped for. I am mindful that for some colleagues it has been a difficult summer: our thoughts and prayers are with them.
I am delighted to announce that we have appointed a successor to Raymond Friel.
Dr Maureen Glackin will be joining us from St Mary’s University Twickenham, where she is currently Head of the School of Education, Theology and Leadership.
Dr Maureen Glackin
Maureen is an inspiring Catholic leader with a range of talents and great enthusiasm for building on the platform of success built by Raymond Friel.
Maureen began her career as a professional actress before serving as a Chaplain in two Catholic Schools in London. She joined St Mary’s University Twickenham in 2003 initially as a Lecturer in Religious Education, progressing to become Programme Director for the Primary PGCE, and then Academic Director Primary Provision. She assumed the role of Head of School in 2013, in which post she oversees 100 staff and a £6m budget.
We were fortunate to have a strong final field of candidates drawn from the Catholic independent schools sector and beyond. Maureen was the outstanding candidate. In her we believe we have found a leader who will work brilliantly with our Heads and school communities and represent us well on the wider national stage. I would like to extend my appreciation to Rosemary Fisher and her team at Perett Laver for providing such a professional service.
Maureen will be taking up Office in September and contact details for her will be forwarded in due course. She is keen to meet as many heads as possible over the coming months and where possible, visit you in your school. We will formally introduce her at Conference in January and I hope that the majority of Heads will be able to attend. I look forward to seeing you then. Have a good term!
Antonia Beary
Chair, CISC